Silver Tandem Productions

What can you do to help?

This question faces us all about so many issues today. And yet adoptee access legislation is an area where voices matter – and can make a difference.

If you have been touched by adoption – or by the stories of people who are dealing with lifelong secrecy as a result of statutes which sealed records – consider becoming involved in the debate on this issue.

Become involved in legislation in your own state. For information about what’s happening in ‘your neck of the woods’ click on the “ADOPTION POLICIES STATE-BY-STATE” button and find out what policies exist in your state.

Learn about why records were sealed in the first place and what research shows about the need for adult adoptees to have access by clicking on the “HISTORY OF SEALED RECORDS” button. There you’ll find two wonderful reports and two excellent books which are great resources for understanding ‘how we got here and where should we go’.

Click on the “HOW YOU CAN HELP” button to learn just a few simple things that you can personally do to make a difference. Sign up on the centralized email alert list to the right. Share your story with others and submit it here on the ‘ABOUT’ page or share it on the film’s Facebook page (the icon’s on the bottom of the HOME page). Join local and/or national organizations. Host a screening of “ADOPTED: for the life of me” in your hometown.

Free “screeners” (special dvd’s for community screenings only) are available for organizations and groups who are interested in providing a framework for their audience  and for feedback on the ensuing discussion. Visit the Tools Page and click on the “Host a Screening” button. There’s a free guide full of ideas for you to use for outreach within your community, as well as posters, a “Take Action” handout, and other tools.

Make a difference.

Here’s a simple powerful action you can take.

Sign up on the:

Adoption Reform ACTION! List 

Add your name to the voices participating in the debate on adoption reform!  If you would like to have your name added, simply contact us and let us know and we will add you!  

This email list will only be used periodically to alert you about legislation where action by you will make a significant difference  (ie. sending a postcard to state legislators, calling about a bill, signing a petition, attending a rally). This list will never be used for solicitations or membership drives. Its purpose is solely to support legislative action and adoption reform.


Your voice and opinion matter.

Your sending a personal letter
to a legislator matters.

Your support of a reform
organization matters.

Your adding your name to the
Adoption Reform ACTION! List above matters.

Your attending a hearing
or a rally matters.

You matter!

A call to action from Jon Strauss:

When I married Jean, adoption issues were admittedly not the attraction… But I’ve witnessed first hand how being denied information about her own past affected her – and the transformation that followed when she was able to know her story. It took nothing away from her mom Betty – but it enhanced Jean’s sense of herself. Because of that, I understand why making this film about the detrimental impact of secrets in adoption is important to her. She’s only trying to provide for others what she was able to win for herself – the first chapter of her own life.

I encourage everyone, whether you’re adopted or not, to be a part of the dialogue on adoption reform. May we all have such opportunities to support each other about things that have such profound meanings to our individual lives.