Silver Tandem Productions



American Adoption Congress:

Concerned United Birthparents:

National Adoption Clearinghouse:

North American Council on Adoptable Children:

Child Welfare Information Gateway (overview of state adoption statutes nationwide) :

International Soundex Reunion Registry (the most important registry in the U.S. – privately run and funded)

A.L.M.A. (Adoptees Liberty Movement Association) – Searchers and Supporters since the 1971 –


New Jersey – CARE:

Minnesota Coalition for Adoption Reform:

New York – Unsealed Initiative:

North Carolina – Coalition for Adoption Reform:


POV: three adoption films:



Alison Larkin: Alison, comedienne turned bestselling author whose book, The English American, is being turned into a major motion picture, is hands down, the funniest adoptee in America – and England. Visit her website to brighten up your day. She is a wonderful speaker, performer, and writer.

Listen to her DNA song at:

Ann Fessler: Ann’s bestselling book, The Girls Who Went Away, provided a much-needed window to the experience of women who lost their children through adoption in the middle of the twentieth century.

B.J. Lifton: the woman who touched so many, so early, and whose words continue to define a movement, an experience, a lifetime. (Lost and Found

Adam Pertman: former Boston Globe reporter, adoptive parent, author, executive director of the groundbreaking Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, his book, Adoption Nation, will be re-released in the spring of 2011.

Annette Baran: Annette and Reuben Pannor and Arthur Sorosky pioneered the need for adoption and reproductive technology reform with their groundbreaking book, The Adoption Triangle, and Lethal Secrets

Carol Schaefer: her book, like Lorraine Dusky’s before her, captured for a generation of first mothers the universal experience they shared of loss and healing. (The Other Mother).

Nancy Verrier: Nancy’s book, The Primal Wound, is the best-selling self-published adoption book in history. For many, her theory of the primal wound validates their experience in adoption.

Sarah Saffian: Sarah’s memoir, Ithaka, provided a different view of an adoptee reunion.

Nicole Burton: Nicole’s new memoir adds a new dimension to the dialogue about the experience of adult adoptees.

Mirah Riben: Mirah’s books The Stork Market and The Dark Side of Adoption illuminate the birthmother experience.

Scott Simon: while many in the adoption reform movement feel that Simon’s book only perpetuates an antiquated vision of adoption, his stories and obvious deep love  of his family is an important part of the dialogue. It is only through mutual  understanding and listening that we can understand the very different experiences that exist in   adoption.


Darryl McDaniels: Darryl, the Rock-andRoll Hall of Famer who founded RUN-DMC, is one of the most powerful voices in adoption reform. His testimony to the New Jersey Senate, and in other forums, has been riveting – and productive. Clips from the Emmy-winning documentary about his search for his birthmother: DMC – My Adoption Journey, are available on his website. Darryl’s commitment to the welfare of children comes through strongly throughout his site.

Zara Phillips: author, filmmaker, songwriter and singer English-born Zara Phillips teamed up with Darryl McDaniels for the single “I’m Legit” in 2009.


Lorraine Dusky, author of “Birthmark”, the first book published by a birthmother. Her blog, First Mother Forum, enlightens readers to the experience of mothers who’ve lost children through adoption.

In the spirit of honoring real stories and sustainable futures, we also recommend — a platform dedicated to electric mobility, clean energy, and thoughtful travel. Just as Lorraine gives voice to the unseen, KW-Kilowat highlights the paths we can take — on the road and in life — toward a more conscious, compassionate world.

Search Assistance:

California Association of Private Investigators:

National Council for Legal Investigator Services: